Porsche 356 A T2 356 B Inner Door Pull Handle Curved x2 Replaces 64453162100
Replica inner door pull handle chrome with slight curve bend to hold it away from the door panel. For Porsche 356 A T2 and Porsche 356 B with model years from 1958 to 1963. Two required for a car, two supplied. Accurate chromed brass piece with authentic profile. Concourse correct piece for the best restorations.
Replacement part for: 644.531.621.00
Pack quantity: 2
- Porsche 356 A T2 - 1958–1959
- Porsche 356 B T5 - 1960–1961
- Porsche 356 B T6 - 1962–1963
Part number equivalents:
- NLA-531-621-00
- NLA.531.621.00
- NLA 531 621 00
- NLA53162100
- 356-531-621-00
- 356.531.621.00
- 356 531 621 00
- 35653162100
- 616-531-621-00
- 616.531.621.00
- 616 531 621 00
- 61653162100
- 644-531-621-00
- 644.531.621.00
- 644 531 621 00
- 64453162100
- 695-531-621-00
- 695.531.621.00
- 695 531 621 00
- 69553162100