Porsche 356 Pre A A B T5 T6 Fiber Spacer and Gaskets Replaces 61610844000
Replica insulating fiber spacer with gaskets for Porsche 356 Pre A A T1 T2 and B T5 T6 with 'early' fuel pump with model years 1950 to 1963.
Replacement for Part number with 616.108.440.00.
Pack quantity: 1 set
- Porsche 356 preA - 1950–1955
- Porsche 356 A T1 - 1955–1957
- Porsche 356 A T2 - 1958–1959
- Porsche 356 B T5 - 1960–1961
- Porsche 356 B T6 - 1962–1963
Part number equivalents:
- 616-108-440-00
- 616.108.440.00
- 616 108 440 00
- 61610844000