Porsche 356 A B 1955-1963 Seat Recliner Hardware Kit Replaces 64452101500
Replica seat recliner hardware kit including correctly chromed and polished screws, washers and fibre spacers.
1 kit required per car.
Pack quantity: 1 kit
Part number equivalents:
- NLA-521-015-00
- NLA.521.015.00
- NLA 521 015 00
- NLA52101500
- 356-521-015-00
- 356.521.015.00
- 356 521 015 00
- 35652101500
- 616-521-015-00
- 616.521.015.00
- 616 521 015 00
- 61652101500
- 695-521-015-00
- 695.521.015.00
- 695 521 015 00
- 69552101500
- 644-521-015-00
- 644.521.015.00
- 644 521 015 00
- 64452101500