Porsche 356 Pre A A B T5 1950-1961 Sunroof Brown Rubber Seal Front 64456491200
Replica brown rubber seal for front of sunroof for Porsche 356 Pre A. 356 A and 356 B T5 with model years 1950 to 1961.
Please note that this seal is for the front of manual sunroofs only.
Replacement for 644.564.912.00
Pack quantity: 1
- Porsche 356 preA - 1950–1955
- Porsche 356 A T1 - 1955–1957
- Porsche 356 A T2 - 1958–1959
- Porsche 356 B T5 - 1960–1961
Part number equivalents:
- 644-564-912-00
- 644.564.912.00
- 644 564 912 00
- 64456491200